Tuesday, June 24, 2008

6 month stats, a month later

Well, Charlotte had her 6 month checkup today. It was a month late because I wasn't on the ball about scheduling it. She is 14 pounds 8 ounces, which puts her in the 30th percentile. And she is... are you ready for this... 28 inches long, which puts her over the 99th percentile for height! The doctor said there may have been some wiggling going on, but she is still probably in the top 20%. I couldn't believe it, she just doesn't look that big to me.

In other news, a few days ago she pulled all the way to standing. We were giving Addie a bath and Charlotte crawled over to the tub, pulled herself up, and then proceeded to try to climb in the tub. I told you, she just wants to do everything her sister does.


Candace said...

I guess early walkers just run in the family! Your girls are giving me a complex - Garrett didn't do that until 13 months at least!

Anthony and Kristie said...

It sounds like if you ever want Charlotte to do something just get Addie to do it first, she sounds like quite the motivator. When I saw Charlotte just had her 6 month appt. I started laughing, because Kenzie already had hers and is a month younger. You make me laugh.