Thursday, November 29, 2007

Play time!

Our friends, Candace, Nate and Garrett were in Houston for Thanksgiving and they stopped by to visit us. It was so nice to see them again! Addie and Garrett had a great time playing. Addie was pushing Garrett all over the house.


Anthony and Kristie said...

That is fun you guys got to get together. Parker is going to love looking at the picture of Addie and Garrett playing. He likes to look at your blog and when he sees the pictures he always tells me more, more, so keep the pictures coming.

Candace said...

I'm so glad we were able to come for a visit! It was fun to see Addie talking so much. I cut Garrett's hair pretty short right after that, so I was surprised to see it so long again (I forget so quickly!). I hope you're surviving the newborn stage again! Send me a list of tricks and hints for the day when I have two little ones to manage too!